Propeller Entanglement
If there is a sudden slowing or stopping of the engine while motoring it is possible that you have picked up some floating line, hopefully not from your vessel.
If there is a sudden slowing or stopping of the engine while motoring it is possible that you have picked up some floating line, hopefully not from your vessel.
The rudder used with inboard drives or turning the pivot drives with outboards and stern drives can be a big help because it can change the direction of the thrust force at the stern of the boat.
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) are essential safety devices designed to save lives by transmitting a distress signal in emergency situations.
You have to admit that both sailors and truck drivers are probably the best in the world at tying knots.
A story (for a reason) from Grant Headifen, Global Director of Education and author of this Maneuvering Under Power Course.
The source of DC power is usually one or more marine-grade batteries, normally 12 volts each. They are similar to automobile batteries, except sturdier—and of course more expensive.
Currents are the movement of water from one place to another. They can be large-scale and consistent, like the Gulf…
Fighter pilots are familiar with the term VIF-ing. VIF stands for “vectoring in flight.” It means that you can move your plane sideways, up, or down while in flight.
To hold a sailboat, the anchor must naturally be attached to the vessel. This is accomplished by using “rode,” which is either all chain or a combination of rope (nylon line) and chain.
Dedicated electric generators on board boats are usually only reserved for large boats because of their weight and size.
NauticEd is a fully recognized education and certification platform for boating students combining online and on-the-water real instruction (and now VR). NauticEd offers 7 online powerboating courses, +24 online sailing courses, a free sailor’s toolkit that includes 2 free courses, an international network of boating schools and instructors, and six ranks of certification – all integrated into NauticEd’s proprietary platform. The USCG and NASBLA recognize NauticEd as meeting the American National Standards. Learn more at