Get started with powerboating with NauticEd’s FREE online Navigation Rules for Powerboats, or become a competent powerboater with the Skipper Large Powerboat Course – a comprehensive online powerboating course for beginner to intermediate powerboaters wanting to learn how to operate larger powerboats greater than 26ft. Or upgrade to the Bareboat Charter Master for Powerboats Bundle of online courses to also master multiday and near-coastal powerboating as well as charter powerboats on vacations.

Docking on an End Tie with No Wind

One of the easiest docking scenarios is when there is no wind present (of course!). We like to use a bow springline in this scenario. You can use this method for sailboats as well. Watch the video below!

Docking a Powerboat at an End Tie in Light Winds – Key Points

This video provides step-by-step instructions for docking a powerboat at an end tie when there is no wind:


  • Ensure bow and stern dock lines are ready.
  • Set fenders to the appropriate dock height.


  • Move at a slow, controlled speed to easily stop forward momentum.
  • Position the boat at a 30–45° angle to the dock, aligning the bow near a dock cleat.

Securing the Bow Line:

  • Toss the bow line, loop it around the dock cleat, and secure it.

Aligning the Stern:

  • Turn the helm away from the dock and slowly engage forward gear.
  • The propeller wash (vs. being tied to the dock at the bow) pushes the stern toward the dock.

Final Steps:

  • Secure the remaining dock lines to complete the docking process.

This method emphasizes preparation, slow maneuvering, and leveraging propeller wash vs. tying off the bow for precise control.



  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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