Introduction to Catamarans
Typically, people own their own monohulls but they will charter a cat on a vacation. If this is you, taking a big cat out of the marina for your first time behind two engines spread 20 feet (6 meters) apart or performing a perfect Mediterranean Mooring is definitely going to be intimidating.
The question with cats is this: Can you guarantee yourself that you will get the boat back to the marina and into the slip perfectly without damage? If you’re hesitant, then we recommend that once you have made it out of the harbor, you do some practicing with the teachings here. Fear not, a cat is so much more maneuverable than a monohull and you’re about to find out.
In the Caribbean, you will most likely be anchoring and mooring, so a few imprecise maneuvers during the week are no problem. But in the Mediterranean, you will need precise maneuvering skills to squeeze in beside the megayachts MedMoored at the quay (pronounced “key”). Regardless, when you bring the cat back to base you’d better be practiced. You’ll need to dock it perfectly at the fuel dock, and it might be a tight squeeze.
Note, however, that if you’re ever uncomfortable in any chartering situation doing your final docking, just call the charter company on VHF and have them send out a chase boat with a captain to dock the boat for you. There is no shame, and the charter company appreciates it. I MEAN, THEY REALLY APPRECIATE THAT.
There is no ego loss in asking the charter company to come bring you in. At best, you only maneuver a cat maybe once every two years. How can you expect to be an expert at precisely maneuvering such a vessel? But you can be an expert at asking for help – then observe what the expert does and learn a few things – that’s called prudence and the better skipper is prudent.
If you own your own Cat, congrats. Practice till your heart’s is content.