
This article is an excerpt from NauticEd’s online Skipper Large Powerboat Course, a comprehensive online powerboating course for beginner to intermediate boaters to learn how to operate large powerboats 26 ft (8m) and above. You can learn and improve your powerboating with NauticEd, the international leader in boating education.

Diagram showing how static electricity in clouds causes lightning, with warm surface air rising and particles colliding.

Electric Thunderstorms


Electric storms are frightening. On inland waters, they can arrive very quickly,  especially on a hot sultry day. Electric storms are frequently accompanied by high and very erratic winds. Huge wind bullets, which are sudden wind gusts, can come seemingly out of nowhere.

Such storms are produced from fast-rising damp air which cools as it rises. The phenomenon of lightning is pretty interesting and knowledge of it gives you some grounding (ha ha) in its cause and effect which is a 4 step process:

1. Charge Separation in Storm Clouds:

Lightning is a result of the buildup and discharge of electrical energy within a storm cloud. Inside a thundercloud, collisions between ice particles and water droplets cause a separation of charges. Typically, positive charges accumulate at the top of the cloud, while negative charges gather at the bottom.

2. Electrical Discharge:

When the difference in charge between the cloud and the ground (or between different regions within a cloud) becomes large enough, the insulating properties of the air break down, allowing an electrical discharge to occur. This discharge is the lightning strike.

3. Flow of Electrons:

Lightning is the movement of electrons between two points of opposite charge. For cloud-to-ground lightning, the negative charges at the bottom of the cloud are attracted to the positive charges on the ground. As the lightning channel forms, electrons flow rapidly along this path, releasing energy in the form of light, heat, and sound. The sound of thunder is the shock wave produced after air is explosively heated during a lightning bolt.

4. Lightning Stroke Process:

The process typically starts with a stepped leader—a faint, negatively charged channel that descends from the cloud. When this leader gets close to the ground, it attracts a stream of positive charge rising up to meet it, forming a complete path. Once connected, a large current of electrons rushes downward, resulting in the bright flash of lightning, known as the return stroke.

Static Electricity

Static Electricity Generated

While you should always be prepared for a storm, when you observe a heavy cloud formation rising rapidly with huge white clouds called “thunderheads,” – technically “cumulonimbus” – it is time to make further preparations. Get to a safe harbor if time permits. If not, prepare for a storm: close hatches, keep away from metal objects if possible, put on life jackets, and turn off electronic gear. Crew safety is paramount.

During a thunderstorm, while a lightning strike to your boat is possible, what is definitely going to happen is that you will be hit hard by extremely high winds called a squall and intense cool rain.

A squall forms beneath a thunderstorm due to a combination of intense atmospheric dynamics and rapid changes in wind speed and direction. The phenomenon of this is also important to understand as a boater and is defined also in a 4-step process:

1. Downdrafts from Thunderstorms:

  • Thunderstorm Structure: A thunderstorm consists of an updraft, where warm, moist air rises, and a downdraft, where cooler air descends. The downdraft forms as rain-cooled air accelerates downward due to its higher density compared to the surrounding air.
  • Creation of a Gust Front: As the downdraft reaches the ground, it spreads out, creating a gust front. This boundary between the cool, descending air and the warmer air at the surface is often associated with sharp changes in wind speed and direction.

2. Rapid Changes in Wind Speed and Direction:

  • Wind Shear: A squall is characterized by sudden and intense wind changes. Beneath a thunderstorm, the gust front produced by the downdraft can create significant wind shear—a rapid change in wind speed and direction over a short distance. This wind shear is what defines a squall.
  • Cold Pool Formation: As the downdraft hits the ground and spreads out, it can form a cold pool of dense air at the surface. The leading edge of this cold pool can further enhance the gust front, making the winds stronger and more sudden.

3. Atmospheric Instability and Mixing:

  • Instability: Thunderstorms often occur in unstable atmospheric conditions where there is a lot of buoyant energy – the measurement of this is called CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy). This instability can enhance the strength of downdrafts, contributing to the formation of stronger gust fronts and squalls.
  • Air Mixing: The intense mixing of air from different levels of the atmosphere caused by the thunderstorm can lead to abrupt changes in local wind patterns, increasing the likelihood of squalls forming.

4. Precipitation and Evaporation Effects:

  • Evaporation Cooling: As precipitation falls through the dry air below the storm, it can evaporate, cooling the air further. This cooled air becomes denser and sinks faster, intensifying the downdraft.
  • Enhanced Wind Gusts: The accelerated downdraft can lead to more powerful and erratic wind gusts as it spreads out upon reaching the surface, contributing to squall formation.

If a violent thunderstorm is approaching

  1. turn on engines (take sails, bimini shade or soft tops, “boat tarps” in, if applicable),
  2. (reduce apparent wind velocity on your boat by running, or setting a course downwind,
  3. verify vesel is secured for sea (gear on deck, gear below decks, hatches and vents),
  4. ensure crewmembers on deck are wearing harnesses and lifejackets. Use safety tethers and rig jacklines. Ensure crewmembers are clipped in prior to coming on deck.
  5. Seek safety from a “lee” shore, or go to a safe harbor.

Watch the destructive force on this boat – fortunately in a harbor with no one on board.


View this awesome microburst video which shows a thunderstorm producing deadly winds.


Weather Microburst
Anecdote: One time while sailing in The Bahamas, we were hit by such a microburst of heavily descending air and rain. The ocean literally exploded about 500 yards (500 meters) away and within about 4 seconds the wind went from 20 knots to 70. We were on a large 45 ft catamaran which when hit by the sudden gust, the windward hull started to lift out of the water. Fortunately, the mainsail shredded and the hull came back down. It was a scary moment with no warning. There were lightning strikes about 5 miles away that we could see prior to the atmospheric bomb but other than that, there was no warning. We were offshore and there was no safe harbor to run to. Simply we turned downwind and ran with the wind until it subsided. What could we have done? Not much but perhaps pull down the mainsail prior but given the distance of the thunderheads, it didn’t seem necessary. Sometimes you just get unlucky. In this case, we were lucky to not capsize. That’s just me always looking on the positive side.

Mitigating a Lightning Strike

Mitigating the risk of a lightning strike on a boat involves a combination of preparation, installation of protective equipment, and following safety procedures. Here are some of the best practices:

Lightning Protection System: In areas where there are a significant number of lightning storms, some larger powerboat owners choose to install a permanent lightning protection system on their radar arch. Some are devices that actively act to drain the electric field out of the air from around the vessel effectively making your vessel stealth from a strike. Other common devices include a lightning rod also mounted atop the arch, connected by a thick, low-resistance wire to a grounding plate submerged in the water. This system provides a direct path for the lightning to follow, ideally bypassing the boat’s other systems and structures.  

Lightning Protection and Mitigation Device

Atmospheric Electic Field Reduction device 

Grounding and Bonding: Ensure that all major metal components of the boat are bonded together and connected to the grounding system. This reduces the chances of side flashes (lightning jumping between conductive parts through the air) inside the boat.

Monitor CAPE: Cape is a measurable and reportable weather variable. It is the Convective Available Potential Energy and is a measurement of the propensity for a storm to form producing lightning. Many weather apps will report on this number. Predict Wind is one such App

Surge Protection: Use surge protectors on electronic devices and electrical systems to protect them from the indirect effects of a nearby strike.

Avoidance: If possible, avoid boating in storm-prone areas, especially during peak lightning seasons. Keep an eye on weather forecasts and use onboard weather monitoring tools.

Safe Harbor: If a storm is approaching, try to reach a safe harbor. Marinas often have better lightning protection systems and safer places to wait out a storm.

Stay Low and Centered: During a storm, stay low and in the center of the boat, as far away from metal objects as possible. Avoid touching metal parts.

Emergency Readiness: Have a plan in case electronics or navigation equipment get damaged. Keep emergency communication devices, such as a handheld VHF radio, in a Faraday bag to protect them from electromagnetic pulses.

Insurance: Make sure your insurance covers lightning strikes and related damages.

It’s important to consult with a marine electrician or a specialist in marine lightning protection systems to ensure your boat is adequately protected according to the latest standards and recommendations.

Direct Hit or Close-by Strike

If you have or suspect you have been affected by a lightning strike, subtle or significant damage may have occurred. Subtle damage can easily go unnoticed. Therefore, it is important to run a full diagnostics on your boat and crew.

  1. Ensure everyone is safe, take life-saving actions including contacting local lifesaving support services or other mariners for help
  2. Test all systems for operation
  3. Seek mechanical, electrical, structural support services, including precautionary at next port
  4. Follow any vessel-specific or insurance policy requirements

Anecdote: A friend’s boat was hit by lightning at night in a decent storm – where the forecast was for clear weather (remember the “weather forecasting these days is ‘pretty good’ ” comment in the weather module). The engine stopped working, all lights went out, the navigation equipment was out, and the VHF was fried. Fortunately, my friend has developed a good habit of keeping a fully charged handheld VHF in a Faraday cage on his boat. He was able to call the coast guard and get rescued. Upon inspection later, the lightning had traveled through his boat and out the prop shaft to the water. The engine mounting plates cast on the engine were destroyed. That including all his electronics and wiring had to be replaced. It took months! Just unlucky!

You can learn more in the Skipper Powerboat Course....

Knowledge and theory to operate powerboats 26ft and greater. The Skipper Large Powerboat Course is a comprehensive online powerboating course for beginner to intermediate powerboaters wanting to learn how to operate larger powerboats greater than 26ft. Or upgrade to the Bareboat Charter Master for Powerboats Bundle of online courses to also master multiday and near-coastal powerboating as well as charter powerboats on vacations.


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on December 29th, 2024