
This article is an excerpt from NauticEd’s online Skipper Large Powerboat Course, a comprehensive online powerboating course for beginner to intermediate boaters to learn how to operate large powerboats 26 ft (8m) and above. You can learn and improve your powerboating with NauticEd, the international leader in boating education.

Scenic view of a marina filled with sailboats and powerboats on a sunny day, surrounded by lush green hills and coastal buildings.

Anchoring Courtesy


After safely and securely anchoring your vessel, there are certain factors to contend with – most are common sense.

  • Be courteous to those anchored around you; be quiet and mindful.
  • If you run your engine, be aware of potential carbon monoxide fumes.
  • Think about what you should and should not be dumping overboard.
  • Anchor using the same method as the other boats around you so your swing will match theirs with changes in the direction of the wind.
  • Don’t anchor in a mooring field; the swing on a mooring line is much less than that of an anchor rode.


Busy Harbor

Busy Harbors: Photo Taken in Hvar, Croatia

You can learn more in the Skipper Powerboat Course....

Knowledge and theory to operate powerboats 26ft and greater. The Skipper Large Powerboat Course is a comprehensive online powerboating course for beginner to intermediate powerboaters wanting to learn how to operate larger powerboats greater than 26ft. Or upgrade to the Bareboat Charter Master for Powerboats Bundle of online courses to also master multiday and near-coastal powerboating as well as charter powerboats on vacations.


  • Grant Headifen

    My vision for NauticEd is to provide the highest quality sailing and boating education available - and deliver competence wherever sailors live and go.

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Last updated on December 26th, 2024